Whether you are vacationing in Indian Rocks Beach this weekend or you’re a local resident, make plans to meet us on the beach in support of a worthy cause. Join hands with us on the sands of IRB for the Hands Across the Sand (and Land) event that takes place on Saturday, May 17. Participation in this event shows the commitment of the Indian Rocks Beach community in keeping offshore oil platforms off of our local beaches and out of the Gulf of Mexico waters and beyond.

Hands Across The Sand /Land was founded by Floridian Dave Rauschkolb in October 2009. This non-profit event is endorsed by national environmental organizations including Sierra Club, Surfrider Foundation, Oceana, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Gulf Restoration Network, Center for a Sustainable Coast, Chart411, Urban Paradise Guild and All Things Healing.
Hands Across the Sand Indian Rocks Beach is one of the many synchronized events occurring globally. The goal is to raise awareness about the dangers of dirty fuels and the need to speed the transition to available, affordable clean energy solutions. The events are particularly salient this year as new plans are pushed forward to drill in the Arctic’s Polar Bear Seas, the impact of which would extend far beyond the icy north.
When & Where
The Indian Rocks Beach Hands Across the Sand event begins at 11:30a.m. at the IRB County Park across from Guppy’s on 1700 Gulf Boulevard. Participants in Indian Rocks Beach and across America join hands at noon to form metaphoric as well as actual lines in the sand, standing in opposition to dirty fuels and showing support for clean energy and renewable resources.
At the end of the event, all that is left is a positive message and some footprints in the sand. It’s a chance to make a statement and influence the direction of our local beaches and waters, as well as the global impact and future of our beloved planet.

Will you be joining us? If so, please let us know. We’re excited about this event and expecting it to be a great success. See you on the sand!